About Training with Tyson

Tyson Montgomery
Head Coach & Founder

I am a Certified Personal Trainer through the Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology (CSEP) and a Graduate of the Fitness & Health Promotion Program at St. Lawrence College in Kingston, Ontario. I have 10+ years and over 10,000 hours of experience on the training floor. My goal is to improve the health, performance, and quality of life of my clients by providing safe and effective training.

Mission Statement

To provide my clients with the guidance and support they need to improve their health, performance, and quality of life with exercise and high quality nutrition. To help them feel their best, move with confidence, and age with grace.

My Values

  • Aging, lack of experience, anxiety, or your current fitness level shouldn’t be a barrier to exercising. The solution is finding the appropriate starting point.

  • Your well-being and safety are always top of mind. Your workouts will challenge you, but never put you at risk of injury.

  • Training should be engaging. You should feel like you are learning and working towards mastery of the fundamental movements.

  • For training to be fun, it’s important to feel like you (the client) are helping guide the process. What type of training do you want to do? How do you want to feel after? Let’s work together.

  • If you don’t feel like you belong, you won’t get comfortable enough to perform your best. My goal is to make you feel like you belong in a gym.

  • If it isn’t fun, you won’t do it. And if you don’t do it, you won’t see results. So let’s work together to make it fun.

  • This means doing more (weight/sets/reps/volume/density etc.) over the course of training sessions. This is how you get results. Leave the details of this part to me, you just need to show up and I’ll take care of the rest.

Training with Tyson combines the scientific principles of strength training,
10 years of experience, and a passion for helping people.

Client Testiomal

“Personal training with Tyson has granted me a new lease on life. A rare medical diagnosis turned my life upside down and after several failed attempts with other trainers I became pessimistic and skeptical. Tyson listened to my concerns, collaborated with other medical professionals in a team approach and then applied his knowledge to create not only strategies for a focused, individualized program but also a monitoring system to make sure we are all ways on track or if adjustments must be made. Tyson challenges and pushes me further. Without realizing it my “I can’ts” have become “I did.” Even though Tyson works with many high level athletes I have never felt intimidated. Tyson works hard to help me achieve my gains.

We started from scratch progressing in small steps, changing old habits and adjusting to how my body now works - always with attention to detail. The work is hard but the environment is one of encouragement. We share a lot of laughs, have fun and celebrate the little successes. Tyson communicates effectively in a way that makes it “click” for me, taking the time to demonstrate and educate the “whys.” His knowledge is profound and he is able to adapt to the different needs of his clients. Tyson has empowered me to see what I thought impossible to be possible, what I perceived as failure as an opportunity to learn, adjust and persevere - to grow and become stronger physically and mentally.

I am so happy to have Tyson on my team as with all the other staff at Quarry Chiropractic and Wellness Centre who work hard to improve my quality of life - truly a multidisciplinary community for the well being of the patient!”

— Sherry

“Tyson Montgomery as a trainer? first-rate
First: Tyson, himself, is a pleasant, warm person with a calm manner which comes from a quiet depth of experience and expertise. And, thank goodness, he has a fine sense of humour.
Second: Training never seems excessive. Tyson watches everything!! and unobtrusively modifies exercises to fit the personal level and needs of his clients. Although the exercises may not be excessive, they are never easy. There is no slacking off with Tyson. And, at the end of a series of sessions, it can be quite a surprise to realise how much progress has been achieved .. almost unconsciously.
Lastly: working with Tyson has a strange, serendipitous benefit. In some inexplicable way, at the end of a series of sessions, one feels better about one’s whole self all around.”

— Jane

“I have trained with Tyson Montgomery for almost a year and have recently joined his seniors’ class. I throughly enjoy the class and the atmosphere he has created. Tyson always has alternative exercises that work for me. He has great music, fun facts and has a sense of humour that makes time fly. He makes training an excellent experience! He is knowledgeable about nutrition and fitness. He always offers great suggestions that might work in my daily routine. Tyson’s guidance has really helped me achieve my goal.”

— Nancy